Mexican Businesses Receive At-Home Medical Service for No Extra Cost
Monday, October 17th 2022, 11:00 AM

Certolab Offers At-Home Workplace Exams for Companies in the State of Mexico and Surrounding States

Cuautitlán, Mexico - October 14, 2022 / Certolab Servicios Medicos para Empresas /

Certolab provides health services for companies, Occupational Medical Exams and clinical analyses for companies, performed at-home at no extra cost, in Cuautitlán Izcalli, Tepotzotlán, Tultitlán, Tultepec, Tlalnepantla, Atizapán, Tula, Tizayuca, Tepeji del Rio, and Querétaro.

CERTOLAB Medical Services for Businesses

Certolab, for almost 15 years as specialists in clinical medical diagnosis, has supported companies in industrial parks in the State of Mexico, Querétaro, Mexico City, Hidalgo, Puebla, Tlaxcala, San Luis Potosí, Guadalajara, Aguascalientes, León, among other states of the Mexican Republic. They offer comprehensive solutions in occupational health at home through mobile units, without increasing the cost of home service, creating long-term business relationships based on quality, honesty and speed.

To support companies post-pandemic, in addition to offering all the COVID-19 tests, Certolab has created a post-COVID profile for the timely and adequate follow-up of those who have fallen prey to the virus, at home. Certolab also continues to support companies with at-home services to perform both massive new employee exams, and periodic occupational exams at no extra cost for home service, including epidemiological reports. Competitive discounted prices are also offered to companies that are currently performing studies and medical exams and clinical analyses with Certolab.

It is important to highlight that all companies, regardless of the number of employees, are obligated under Mexican federal law to carry out both new employee studies and periodic examinations, annual periodic occupational examinations and labor retirement examinations. These examinations are required to contain clinical analyses such as blood chemistry, complete blood count, general urinalysis, electrocardiogram, audiometry, spirometry, tele-thorax X-ray, AP and lateral lumbar spine, blood group and Rh factor, stool ova and parasite analysis, pharyngeal exudate culture, febrile reactions, hand culture, medical examination with issuance of an occupational medical certificate, among others, depending on the primary activity of the company and its collaborators.

Certolab Medical Laboratory, with a quality management system certified under the international standard ISO 9001:2015, has been recognized as one of the best medical laboratories for service to companies. 

Certolab has certified mobile units that can provide any service of clinical medical diagnosis for companies at-home. They have serviced Prologis Park Grande Tepotzotlán, Teolopark, O'donell El Rosal Cuautitlán Izcalli Industrial Park, Tres Rios Industrial Park, Cuautitlán II El Sabino Logi Center, El Laurel Prologis Industrial Park, Industrial Cuamatla, San Martin Obispo Park, Prologis Álamos Tultitlán, Tultipark.  New San Valentín 2 Industrial Park, SME Industrial Park, FINSA Querétaro II Industrial Park, Querétaro Airport Industrial Park, Novotech Industrial Park, TLC Industrial Park, La Bomba Industrial Park, B Quintana Industrial Park, El Marques Industrial Park, La Bomba Industrial Park Querétaro I, Ciudad Maderas Industrial Park, La Bomba Industrial Park, Business Park Conin, Advance Real Estate Industrial Park, Querétaro Park, Benito Juárez Industrial Park, Querétaro Park IV, LA MONTAÑA INDUSTRIAL PARK, Navex Park, Santa Rosa Industrial Park, "Polígono" Querétaro Industrial Park, Querétaro Industrial Park, Querétaro Park V, Option Park, Option Industrial Park, Atitalaquia Industrial Park, Tepeji Del Rio Industrial Park, Las Américas Industrial Park, ARCO57 industrial park, among many others.

Contact Information:

Certolab Servicios Medicos para Empresas

Privada Niños Héroes 1, Col. Santa Ana Tlantepan
Cuautitlán, Méx. 54870

Client Service
+52 15561432466

Original Source:


Client Service
Certolab Servicios Medicos para Empresas

Privada Niños Héroes 1, Col. Santa Ana Tlantepan
Cuautitlán, Méx., 54870, Mexico


Phone +52 15561432466


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